May Teacher Talk
For me, May is crazy because we are testing! Kids are so tired and it throws everything off. Some of these tests take all day...literally. So I like to have fun things planned. There are a lot of wacky days in May. Here are some of them and some activities you can do! OK, some aren't wacky but they're still special days we should celebrate.
May, 2016 Daily Holidays, Special and Wacky Days:
1 Mother Goose Day
Hurrah for Mother Goose! Find your favorite Mother Goose nursery rhyme and illustrate it! Even better, use Google Drawing to create a unique piece incorporating the rhyme with original art or clip art.
2 Brothers and Sisters Day
How can you show your brothers and sisters you appreciate them? Do something nice for them that does not require money.
4 Bird Day
Check out the National Geographic web site on birds and learn about an amazing bird you may have not known about before!
4 Star Wars Day
May the fourth be with you! Dress up as your favorite character from the movies and books!
5 Cinco de Mayo
No! This is not the day of independence for Mexico!! This is to commemorate the day the Mexican troops defeated the French at the Battle of Puebla. Viva Mexico!! Make some salsa or guacamole in class! Don't forget the chips.
6 National Nurses Day
Invite a nurse to come speak to your students. What a great way to learn about their work!
8 Mother's Day second Sunday in May
Celebrate your mother! If you'd like to see our paper art projects, check out our blog post!
10 Clean up Your Room Day
Ha, ha! Help out your mother! Clean your room without being told!
12 Limerick Day
There was an Old Man in a Boat
by Edward Lear
There was an Old Man in a boat,
Who said, 'I'm afloat, I'm afloat!'
When they said, 'No! you ain't!'
He was ready to faint,
That unhappy Old Man in a boat.
What's your favorite limerick? Better yet, write your own!!
13 Leprechaun Day
It's leprechaun day! Can you create a leprechaun trap? How would you lure them in? Maybe gold? Use your imagination!!
15 National Chocolate Chip Day
Oh yum! Sample three different types of chocolate chip cookies. What's your favorite. Chart the class preferences in a graph.
16 Wear Purple for Peace Day
Besides wearing purple, what else can you do to promote peace? Maybe take cups and use them to write peace in your school fence.
21 Armed Forces Day - third Saturday of month
Write letters to our Servicemen and women thanking them for their service.
23 Lucky Penny Day
Writing prompt:
If you found a lucky penny, what would you wish for? What if wasn't lucky but magic?
26 Sally Ride Day
Sally Ride was an American Physicist and astronaut. As a matter of fact, she was the first American Woman in space. What else can you find out?
27 Sun Screen Day
So important to wear sunscreen!! Bring your sunscreen, a towel and glasses. Slather it on and then head out to the grass to read a book!
30 Memorial Day last Monday of month.
Need an activity for Memorial Day? Use Google MyMaps. It's a way to create and share custom maps. In this case they will be using it to create a map about Memorial Day. They have three project choices: one about the Civil War, one about current celebrations and one about overseas deployments. After they choose one to focus on, they research! Then they create a Google MyMap. Students can do the activity independently or collaboratively.
Hope you have a ton of ideas now!! Put some fun into that testing month. Kids are stressed enough!!

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